institute: n.1.协会,学会;学院,专科大学;(学院附设的)研究所。2.〔美国〕讲习会;(短期)训练班。3.会址,院址,校址,所址。4.原则,规则,惯例。5.〔 pl.〕(给初学者用的法律、医学等的)浅说,(公认的)基本原理。短语和例子an institute of technology 理工学院。 a farmers' institute〔美国〕农民讲习所。 a teachers'
Its quick response club assists the textiles and clothing industries to source and apply effective technologies and methods to improve production in terms of delivery time reduction and responsiveness to customer requirements . hong kong applied science and technology research institute company limited 其为纺织业制衣业而设的迅速回应技术用户会,协助行业引入及应用有效的技术及方法,透过加快运送时间及更快回应客户要求,改善生产。